Gary from G Social Media
User: Gary Charles
Title: Chief Development Officer of G Social Media
Twitter: @gsocialmedia
FavoriteTrap: Robots
Q. Tell me a little about what you do for a living?
Our company builds social media strategies and packages, along with 6-12 month effective and practical implementation plans. I am the Chief Development Officer of G Social Media. I began about 15 years ago with internet marketing and grew through the evolution to social networking, then to media and more.
Q. What do you like to do in your free time? On a typical weekend what might we find you doing?
I am usually heavily involved in the Asheville community in one way or another. This includes local events, foodie meetings, dancing and more. Since I am based in Western North Carolina, I do a local project called AskAsheville, and it is very successful.
Q. What sorts of topics do you tend to seek information on?
I usually focus on web, technology, marketing and media. I then share the best of what I find with others.
I barely ever use a search engine anymore. I use curation type sites such as Trapit, and Pinterest, sometimes Digg, to generate and explore great content.
Q. How did you find out about Trapit and what do you like most about it?
I found out about Trapit because I opened a link on Twitter and it was curated through Trapit. I quickly made an account, learned the platform pretty easily and now use it as one of my top 3 places to be.
I really like the fact that I can see all of my Traps on one page, allowing me to balance my information and education.
I love the content that is delivered to my Traps! And that it is so easy to share. I am looking forward to my personal Trapit page that I can link to from my website and share on other social platform.
Q. What sorts of traps are you making? Have you found anything particularly useful/interesting/unexpected?
Of the many traps that I have, I find myself watching and sharing “Robots” a lot. I even use a hashtag named #iloverobots when I share sometimes. Besides that, I have Traps on social media, social networking, and women in business (which I support all around). Also Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, etcetera, all of them are beneficial to me and my audience.