Breaking Through White Noise Content

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We’ve talked about breaking through the white noise of content marketing, or the echo-chamber as we sometimes call it, before, and as Trapit President Pat Hume writes in her recent post over at Business 2 Community, it’s now more important than ever. Our most recent study indicated that most content marketers believe that they should be sharing 15 pieces of content with their audience every day. Do the math and that adds up to a whole lot of content being tossed around everywhere you might look. If it were all unique and interesting content, we’d be a lucky audience, but the chances are high that the same content is being repurposed and shared over and over again, which means it’s not going to make a huge impact. So what can you do to break apart from the pack?

Take time to find content – Finding unique content that will be interesting to your audience takes a little effort, but it’s well worth it in the end. Content discovery tools like Trapit will help surface lesser-known quality content quickly, but also having your own database of favorite sources that consistently offer great content (that isn’t being shared by everyone else) goes a long way in the daily content struggle.

Share discerningly – Pay attention to what others are sharing on social networks and choose your content accordingly. Make sure you’re not sharing the same content as everyone else, but also take note of what kind of content your target audience is responding to. Run with whatever topic that is, but contribute something new to the conversation for maximum impact. There’s no harm in sharing a great article from a popular site, but diversifying your content with new and lesser-known sources will help your social channels stand out.

Automate and engage – One of the most helpful aspects of A.I. content solutions and discovery tools is the ability to automate or schedule your social channels. Especially if you have a small or one-person social team, the ability to schedule the day’s social posts all at one time can be a huge help. Once you’ve discerningly selected and scheduled your social posts for the day, you’ll have a lot more time to actually engage with your audience on those social networks. Check out what your audience is talking about and become part of the conversation. Reach out to users who are sharing your content and give them a well-deserved thank you.

Putting these few ideas into practice for your company can help you break through the white noise that is bombarding your audience every day and show them that you know what kind of content they are really craving, and you are taking the time and effort to give it to them. Sharing enough content on social is important, but sharing unique content that your audience hasn’t seen 10 times over is even more crucial.


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